English version of project : La science de la musique



The Science of Sound: Design, Build and Test a Musical Instrument


Design project: Home assignment (class time will be given for writing revision)


  1. You will design and build your own musical instrument. Your instrument can make its sound in a variety of ways: plucking, strumming, blowing, hitting etc. It can be a string instrument, like a kazoo, a percussion instrument, like a drum, a string instrument like a guitar or anything else you can imagine. Be creative!


  1. Plan your project. Create a blueprint and make modifications and improvements as you go along. (Mme will want to see this blueprint)

On the sheet provided draw and label your instrument. List the materials you used. Tell how the sounds from your instrument are made. Complete the sheets carefully as they will be marked for content & language conventions, neatness and legibility.


  1. During the Musical Inventions Fair, you will demonstrate your instrument by playing a simple tune that you have created. You will explain how you made your instrument, the materials you used, how your instrument makes sound and how you change loudness (volume) and pitch (hauteur).


The construction of the instrument is to be done at home.

Class time will be given for editing the written component.

If you run into a problem or have questions be sure to speak with Mme. Do not wait until the last minute!


Helpful resources: your science book, classroom books, websites, family & friends or Mme.


Please see your child�s science duotang or check the website (coffreoutils) for all FRENCH student material.


















Name : _____________________________


The science of sound: Design, build & test a musical instrument


Areas of assessment������������������� 4��������������������� 3��������������������� 2��������������������� 1���������������������


Basic sound concepts

*Identifies and describes����������������

the ways that the musical ��������������� thoroughly������ clearly����� somewhat��� �������� struggles

instrument makes its sound

and can change pitch and




*Designed (blueprint), built

and tested a musical

instrument that can change exceptional����� great��������������� almost ����� ����� needs work

pitch and loudness.


Language component����������������� 4��������������������� 3��������������������� 2��������������������� 1���������������������


Oral communication

*When presenting, used

appropriate vocabulary to

explain how the instrument very clearly����� clearly����������� somewhat ����� not clear

works, including demonstrating ����������������������������������������������������� clearly

how it works.


Written communication

*Uses correct spelling,

verb conjugation,

gender & number ���������������������������� always ����������� mostly������������ sometimes����� rarely

and punctuation.



*Labels and uses drawing �������������

appropriately and legibly����������������� very clearly����� clearly����������� somewhat ����� not clear


